How to Setup the AI Chatbot Plugin?

This section covers how to set up the AI Chatbot, how to enable it, and how to add details for Chatbot

Setup accounts have never been so easy! Follow the steps given below to get started with setting your team up for action.

 Step 1 Activate Plugin:-

After activating the plugin in your WordPress dashboard, you can now see the “AI Chatbot” on the left side of your menu. When you click on AI Chatbot, you will see Dashboard.

enter email

 Step 2 Enter Details:-

Now, “Enter your email id” and click on the Next button. You will receive one mail which OTP will be sent.

enter otp

 Step 3 Enter OTP:-

Enter the OTP on this screen and click on “Verify”. If you don’t receive OTP, you can click on “Resend OTP” to OTP again.

 Step 4 Verify Details:-

After verifying your email id, on this screen, your site URL will be shown. Click on “Submit” to continue.

3_enter website link

Also check out: How to build ChatGPT based chatbot

 Step 5 Website Links:-

Now you will see the “Website Links” tab. There you can see a list of Website Links’ statuses.

website links

 Step 6 Add Content:-

You can crawl more data by clicking on the “Add Content” button. There you can see a list of Pages, Posts, and Products. Select items to build AI Chatbot. And click on submit button.


 Step 7 Settings:-

After some time your bot will be ready. You can see below the message when the bot will be ready. Now go to the “Settings” tab and check “Show bot on website“ and then submit.


Your AI Chatbot is now ready and live on your site. For further customization, you can visit

 Step 8 Dashboard:-

Dashboard tab will show below statistics about chatbot and report of last 7 days.


 Step 9 Quick Questions:-

You can review and manage any negative ratings in the Rating tab by editing the answers to ensure a positive user experience.


 Step 10 List of FAQ :-

Quick Answers are a time-saver! Here, you’ll find a list of frequently asked questions. You can add new questions and answers with a click of a button.


And there you have it! With the AI Chatbot for WordPress, you can engage with your visitors, provide instant support, and enhance their overall experience on your website.

Also check out complete guide on AI chatbots – here