How To Create a Free AI Chatbot in 2023 [Zero / No Code]

Have you ever dreamed of creating your very own chatbot but felt intimidated by the complexity of coding? Fear not, my friend! We’ve got fantastic news for you. 

Building a chatbot has never been more accessible, enjoyable, and fun! You don’t need any coding skills or superpowers to embark on this exciting journey. 

The possibilities are endless thanks to free online chatbot creators, and you’re about to discover just how fast and easy it can be!


Create a Free AI Chatbot in 2023 with Zero Code 

Follow the steps given below and get started to having your very own free AI chatbot using Robofy. 

  1. Visit Robofy’s website.
  2. Click on the “Signup for Free” button.
  3. Enter your email address on the signup page.
  4. Check your email for the OTP (one-time password) sent by Robofy. Check your spam, socials, or promotion mailbox if you can’t find the OTP.
  5. Enter the OTP on the next page and provide your name, company name, and mobile number (optional).
  6. Enter your website URL where you want the custom chatbot to be.
  7. The chatbot will automatically read all the content on your website and create a custom chatbot.
  8. Once the chatbot is ready, you’ll see a prompt saying, “Your chatbot is ready.”
  9. Customize your chatbot by naming it, changing icons, and more.
  10. Use the “Quick Questions” section to add predefined questions and answers based on your website content.
  11. Test your chatbot by clicking the “Test your Chatbot” button on the dashboard.
  12. Copy the provided JavaScript code and paste it in the footer section of your website before the closing body tag.
  13. If your website is on WordPress, you can use the Robofy plugin to install the chatbot code automatically.
  14. Monitor the questions and replies your chatbot receives in the inbox on the dashboard.
  15. Check user ratings to see how well your chatbot performs and edit answers if needed.

You’ve successfully set up your custom ChatGPT chatbot with Robofy, without coding or hassle. 


Why Choose Robofy?

Robofy can help save time and reduce business costs by automating your entire customer support wing. It’s an easy-to-use solution and has been adopted by over 100+ businesses today. 

But, why should you choose Robofy?

1. Time-Efficient Automation: Say farewell to mundane manual tasks! Robofy’s AI ChatBot revolutionizes the process by autonomously extracting webpage contents and swiftly training itself to fit your website perfectly. Within mere minutes, your fully-prepared chatbot is ready to shine!


2. Advanced AI Intelligence: Witness the brilliance of Robofy’s AI brainiac! Equipped with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, our chatbot smartly analyzes your website’s data, ensuring each interaction is flawlessly accurate and profoundly relevant.


3. Tailored Brand Representation: Your website’s identity, is amplified! Robofy enables seamless customization, allowing your AI assistant to align perfectly with your brand’s voice, tone, and appearance. A true extension of your professionalism!


4. 24/7 Customer Support: Always at the ready, tirelessly serving your visitors day and night! With Robofy’s unwavering availability, your customers will experience exceptional service around the clock, fostering trust and loyalty.


5. Cost-Effective Solution: Elevate your customer support without breaking the bank! Robofy’s AI ChatBot eliminates the need for additional human agents, optimizing your resources while delivering top-notch assistance.


6. Empowering Conversational Management: Stay in control of every interaction! Robofy equips you with an interactive inbox feature, allowing you to easily oversee and fine-tune chatbot conversations, ensuring excellence at every turn.


7. Effortless FAQ Assistance: Speed and accuracy, are perfectly intertwined! Robofy’s AI rapidly responds to frequently asked questions, streamlining the user experience and impressing visitors with prompt, helpful replies.

And so much more…

Ready to give it a try? Just sign up and get started.  Try the forever free plan by Robofy today!



How long does Robofy’s AI ChatBot take to create a custom chatbot for my website?

Robofy’s AI ChatBot works efficiently to create a custom chatbot for your website within mere minutes! It autonomously extracts content from your webpage and trains itself to fit your website perfectly, saving you valuable time and effort.


Can I customize the appearance and behavior of the chatbot to match my brand identity?

Absolutely! Robofy empowers you to tailor the representation of your AI assistant to align perfectly with your brand’s voice, tone, and appearance. You can easily change the chatbot’s name, icons, and more to create a seamless extension of your website’s identity.


Will the AI ChatBot provide support to my website visitors 24/7?

Yes, indeed! Robofy’s AI ChatBot is available 24/7, tirelessly serving your website visitors day and night. This round-the-clock availability fosters trust and loyalty among your customers, as they receive exceptional support at any time, without the need for additional human agents.